Our weeks are getting closer and closer until baby T makes his arrival! I'm wanting the next two weeks to hurry up, but I guess I should be enjoying my sleep and a somewhat independent toddler while it lasts! :)
We started our first week of school, and let me say, I'm L.O.V.I.N.G it! Part-time with a newborn and toddler is going to be the best thing that I've ever done. I can stay busy with school, but make it home to enjoy my days with my sweet babies in the afternoon. Much needed sleep will take place during this time as well! How I will ever go back to full-time, I don't know :) My checkbook will probably tell me otherwise.
The pics below are some I've taken around the house. Macey loves to paint, and if you'll notice, she has rubber bands on her wrists. Why she feels the need to put these on all the time, I don't know. I got her some silly bandz, but she insists on rubber bands. I'll say, "O.k., you ready to go?" and she'll reply, "o.k., mom, let me put my rubber bands on." She has them on in the various pics below.
This is Kendall's hair. Growing up, I was the queen of curls, so Kendall often requests sponge rollers now for school too. The girls have been decked out this past week. I got these sparkly shoes at Children's Place. I think Macey needs some too! Retail Me Not has been my best friend!
About the hair, can you get more glorious mounds of curls? I've always been addicted to big Texas hair, even though God gave me NONE. :)
Our library books!
NICK JR.'S STORY TIME!! We sported our Olivia shirt just to REPRESENT! She wasn't there, but we loved seeing BackYardigans, Wonder Pets, Ni Hao, & Dora. Sister had a great time! Also, you'll see she has socks on.... she refused to wear her sketchers, so we changed to sandals. Please Tanner, don't be a drama king when it comes to clothes or shoes! :)
Lastly, this precious outfit was given to us by Nana. She wore it to church, and I couldn't help but take a million pics. She's making some goofy faces though. Sissys came this morning so she has been WOUND up.
I spy pink toes & white sandals hiding behind my curtains!!
Have a great week! I'm getting some beautification at the end of the week! Roots done, & a pedicure. Looking forward to a fun and relaxing Labor Day weekend! Enjoy!
P.S. I haven't uploaded most of my pictures since Macey was around 6 months old. BUT, I did go to Cutest Blog on the Block and uploaded the blog into a book! It was the easiest thing, and for $50.00, I have a 95 page hard cover book to look back on. I did the first year of her life. I will do 1-2 years soon.
I will take some pics of it later.
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