I intended to post when my baby girl turned 10 months and now she's about to turn 11 months on the 30th! It's been too long since I last updated!
Here are some shots I took of her in "Dr. Bertrand really delivers" shirt and her spring break outfit as well!
We had a great Easter this year! We went on an egg hunt with Cam and Aunt Taren in The Shores. Next year will be even better! On Sunday, we went to church. It was a great service and beautifully decorated. After Lakepointe, we then headed to Dallas for lunch at Aunt Denise (NeNe). That afternoon, we went to Aunt Jan's and had an egg hunt and ate an early dinner. It was such a great holiday.
With Macey's b-day approaching, here are some things that are going on with Mace:
Saying Mama, Dada, Bye Bye
Waving Bye Bye
Holding her own bottle
Eating carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, peeled grapes, little sausages, pears, peaches, prunes, crackers, etc.
Dances when momma sings
Curls are starting to pop up on the back of her head
LOVES carrying around socks