Documenting the lives of a brown eyed girl with curls, and her baby brother's world.

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps

Friday, November 19, 2010

Catch up!

I'm a bit behind, and now I'm playing catch up! So, lots of posts in one day!
We've been busy with Kendall's birthday, life in general, and now, Thanksgiving is upon us. I went to Macey's school yesterday and spent lunch with her while her class had their Thanksgiving feast!

Lastly, today is Oprah's part one of her FAVORITE THINGS! The Vanilla Tulip
recently did her favorite things, so I wanted to join in as well. I can tend to overlook new products, etc., until someone brings my attention to them. Be looking for the post... MY FAVORITE THINGS!!!!

At Chuck E Cheese for Kendall's birthday!

Going to Mother's Day Out for her Thanksgiving Feast!

Sitting w/ daddy!

Sissy and Bubby hanging out in sissy's room!

Being silly!

Makeover @ 7 weeks

2 posts in one day!!

When Tanner was born, he had a head full of dark hair! With Macey, she had quite a bit as well, but hers fell out. His, not so much. As you can see in the before shots, it's so crazy, and hung over his ears. We had to give the poor thing a good makeover (aka, buzz cut.) He's so pretty! :)



Halloween 2010

Here are pics from Halloween this year! We had a spicy pumpkin, a pumpkin princess, a sassy witch, and a newborn pumpkin!
We wore our costume to Mother's Day Out, Halloween party at Cammy's with friends, and Halloween night with Cammy!

Going to Mother's Day out!