Documenting the lives of a brown eyed girl with curls, and her baby brother's world.

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer Loves

I have had such a good time being home with my baby this summer. She seems so grown up now, and her little personality is coming out more than ever. The picture above is after church today. I snapped it before we went in to eat at El Chico.

On Saturday, we went and ate at Bass Pro Shop, and to look around at everything. I had shrimp, shrimp, and more shrimp, and once we were done eating, the girls picked out a hat! I picked up the Camo hat for Tanner, but Macey wore it around the entire night. I even caught Daddy D going through the racks! I had to take a picture. He is NO money spender, so this was a rare occurrence. The girls looked too cute in their hats. Macey kneeled down for me take a picture of her by herself. She looks so grown up!

I recently got Tanner some things. I'm trying to tie up loose ends such as diapers, formula, colic drops, thermometer, destitin, etc. I also found the softest leopard blanket at Babies R Us. I thought it would tune down the aqua :) The car blanket is really soft too. It says "boy!"
I found some onesies and a pair of baby legs with an airplane. Macey had a ton of baby legs. They make boy baby legs too! :) I took a picture of his changing table to show his Camo hat hanging on it. Sweet boy! :)

Also, you'll see what I have loved in my spare time while Macey is napping or down for the night. My cell phone, t.v. remote, computer, sweet tea with ice, cream cheese with apricot preserves and ritz, along with my comfy brown recliner. If I didn't gain weight in the beginning, I'm about to gain it now :)

Have a wonderful week! I get to check in on Tanner on Wednesday! I'm so ready to hold this little boy.

After church!

Her big sister shirt to wear to the hospital!

My pregnancy indulgences!