Here are pics from our Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Sunday. After realizing I only two took pics on Easter Sunday, I'm upset with myself. I look on other blogs and see all of the great family pics, etc. and I could kick myself for being so selfish.....I was a bit frazzled Sunday morning, trying to get myself dressed, and three girls. After rushing and finally getting to church, I was able to sit and enjoy the sermon. I left during the invocation to get Miss Macey so we could take pics in the flowers. She wanted me to hold her the entire time, so once she wouldn't cooperate, I gave up.
I realize how I pass through life too quickly, and I need to take a step back and enjoy all of these moments. I can't get them back, so I need to learn to go with the flow. With baby #2 on the way, I need to take a "chill pill" and just love life more. I think these pregnancy hormones are getting the best of me :)
Dear Baby #2,
I love you. I may not talk to you as much right now, or rub my belly enough, but you are loved. Your sissy is pretty demanding right now with her sassy ways, and at night, I'm so dang tired, and just want to relax. Your mommy feels guilty about not showing you enough attention, and I want to apologize. Please love me anyway :)
Have a blessed week!
The girls relaxing in the chair!
Easter Egg Hunt Pics
Easter Toes!