Dear Tanner,
Today, your momma has been so excited to pack your things, and get everything ready to go for your arrival!
Here's how today went:
Morning: Made your daddy, myself, and sissy some cinnamon rolls. Daddy installed your carseat. I got dressed and your sissy and I grabbed some lunch, dropped off library books, and went to Target to get your mirror so I can see your beautiful face while I drive.
Afternoon: Sissy took a nap, while I sterilized your bottles, nipples, and paci's. I washed a few more of your clothes too. I packed some more, and got your boppy lounger, diaper bag & boppy loaded in the car.
Tonight: Daddy, Sissy, and I went to Chilis. We shared chips, salsa, and a side of ranch. Daddy and I had to get a big dr.pepper too! For Dinner, daddy ordered chicken tacos, and mommy had cajun chicken pasta. Sissy shared with momma, and had some of daddy's rice. I painted your sissy's toe nails so she would look so pretty for you tomorrow!
As I sit here, it's late and I just can't wait to finally see you! You're moving around as I type. I love you sweet, sweet baby. I can't wait to lay you on my chest and love on you forever.
Happy Birthday sweet baby. 9.10.10